So, the doctor comes in, tells me I look like crap (but yet, I REALLY love her), and asks me what is wrong. After a quick discussion of how exhausted I am, and how my job is pretty much high stress year round (I seriously think I would have had to lie if she had asked me what my job was, I mean, how the heck is JSC NASA Education stressful??), she tells me she wants to test me for mono. Awesome. I do not have time for mono. She doesn't seem phased by my lack of time for sickness, and orders up a nice round of tests for everything under the sun. For which I have to fast for. Yea, awesome, cuz I am kind of a breakfast lover. As in, I have to eat within 10 minutes of waking up if it is before 8am (after that, I can pretty much make it till lunch, and I have no idea why). So, I am already not happy about this. Then she wants to run an ekg to make sure everything is good with my heart. She does this, and comes back in with the results and says "Well...." and pauses. I just about hit her. She tells me the EKG is not normal, but nothing alarming. I have some sort of weird electronic impulse that half of the free world probably has and just doenst know about because they aren't lucky enough to have an EKG. She wants me to see a cardiologist, just so he can check me out a little more. I am ok with this, cardiologists are rich right? Maybe he has a rich son. Yup, priorities are totally in order here. So, I make that appointment and return home for my third nap of the day before going to bed that night. And worked on staying calm and not getting stressed, as per my doctor's orders.
Next day, up and at em' for this great blood test. Now, the woman who drew my blood for this test: horrific. She was not friendly. Now, I would think being in that profession, friendliness should be a requirement. I mean, you are sticking people with needles for God's sake. You should at least do it with a smile. Not this woman though, she was not about to crack a smile. Or a joke. And she didn't seem to care that I was about to pass out onto her in the chair. She stuck me, took my blood, and then used really sticky tape to tape some gauze to me. I know it was really sticky because it's remnants are still on my arm. In a nice red rectangle. Around the bruise she left when she removed the needle. Yea, thanks lady. I tried to go to work that day, but was laughed out of the office after I really wasn't functioning at all. Back to napping and emailing from the, I could get used to that.
So, this morning. Or well, rather, last night. I noticed yesterday that Tony wasn't really into eating breakfast. By dinner, it was obvious that this little man of mine was not feeling well. While his sister pranced around him and bounded around my living room, Tony just laid in the corner, looking rather pathetic. I left the confines of my couch to buy an eye dropper and some cat milk, and tried to make peace with him over a bowl of milk. He drank a little bit, I thought I was homefree, but then he left a bunch in the bowl. Now, this cat, he does not leave food behind. Ever. So I knew he wasn't doing well. I force fed him some water through the eye dropper and he gave me a dirty look and went back to his corner. Mollie also wasn't really eating, but was super excited to play and curled up with me as usual on the couch, so I wasn't too concerned about her. Until this morning. Mollie woke me up at 6:30 am all excited to eat. Or so I thought. I trudged all the way to the kitchen to open up a new can of wet food (yup, these little cats only eat wet food. Yup, they are spoiled. And yup, I know it). I put it into clean bowls, even carried Tony in there, but nothing. They both sniffed, looked at me, and turned around. Awesome. So, I called the vet, showered, and packed both cats into the car. Anyone that has ever seen me (or helped me) do this knows this is a scene. I found a box and put a blanket in the bottom of it. I then carried Tony out, thinking he would just sleep in the box, since he wasn't moving much anyway. Then I brought Mollie out, wrapped in a towel. That lasted all of 5 minutes, and by the time I passed the grocery store, I had two very vocal cats letting me know this was not ok. I tried putting Mollie in the box with Tony, she escaped. I tried holding Mollie, she cried and Tony tried to escape. I tried letting Mollie walk around, she got under the pedals. And then Tony peed in the box. Yup. That cat hasn't eaten in 2 days, but the 20cc's of water i gave him came through at that exact moment apparently. Or he was just mad and taking it out on me, which is pretty normal. So, we finally made it to the vet after I came very close to having three heart attacks and throwing each of these little furrballs out of the car on the freeway. I signed a bunch of papers and dropped off the little guys. Pretty sure I owe someone my first born now (although, as I have said before, I get so stressed when the cats are sick, I am not sure I can ever have kids). And I went to work. Yea, nice way to stay calm and not stress out.

So I made it through most of work today before I called the vet. And the vet himself got on the phone (which is some kind of miracle considering I have never actually met the actual vet, but rather the vet tech, who drives a motorcycle and wears dog collars, according to Jessica). The vet tells me all the tests have come back except for the urine analysis, and they are all normal accept that Tony's glucose is high. He said it was sort of like I have a prediabetic cat. But, apparently cats can also just throw glucose when they get excited, so this is inconclusive (and I paid for what exactly?). He then chooses to inform me that the good news is that Tony really enjoyed his lunchtime meal. Damn cat. Hope he enjoyed his $400 meal!