Greeting from somewhere over the great continent of North America. I am currently flying between Houston and Anchorage, and I seem to have some free time. I have finished a 350 page book, listened to half my ipod collection, and read through the complimentary Continental magazine. Not quite as exciting as the Southwest magazine, I have to say. I thought I could spend some time posting some pictures for those of you who still even check this page. Prepare yourselves, these pictures go back to the beginning of the summer...
First, some pictures from my camping trip to Bridgeport. We did some fishing, some storytelling, and spent plenty of time sunning ourselves on the lake. Joy and I also managed to solve most of the world’s problems (don’t worry, those that were not solved during this trip were solved during a subsequent Sunday morning marathon phone call.

Me gutting the heck out of the first fish of the day:

Joy and Paul on the boat:

K keeping his neck from getting sunburned:

Yup, aren’t they cute:

Good thing we didn’t actually have to put the fish IN the car:

Moving on through the summer, it turns out, they let me graduate. Now, these are never before seen pictures, pretty much of me sweating in way too many layer on the hottest day in Davis so far...Lovely...
It might appear that Kiyomi is about the do some sort of blessing here, but really, she is just making sure the hood isn’t going to fall off:

Me with my fans:

Yea, all graduations look the same, and apparently, these people recycle the same speech each year. Perhaps it would have been better not to tell a whole bunch of Ed people how great the standards are (thank you, Mr. California Secretary of Education...)

Even after the long, boring ceremony, I am still my saucy self:

Michelle and me:

And with Cindy, committee member #1:

So, yea, the thesis is still in review form, but the graduation has occurred, with much success and glory. And of course, a celebration at the local bar. Basically the same as undergrad, only we were asleep by 11pm instead of just going out...nice!
Next, just some fun pictures from the Vita party to celebrate everything great we have all done. It only seemed appropriate to

And, then, they were so jealous that Cara and Xabi had to get in on the action (I am sure they will love me posting these pictures):

And the necessary girl picture:

And the beautiful table setting:

And then K singing some karaoke, Xabi’s favorite song, the Piano Man:

While the rest of us sing backup:

Next up, just a couple of pictures from South Padre Island, where Joe and I spent a weekend enjoying the island, and what it had to offer other than the beaches (basically, a lot of tourist shops and bars, both open to all hours of the night).
You might not be able to tell, but this is during the hurricane force rains:

Don’t remember taking this picture, but I think it was in honor of Joy:

As you can see, during the rain storm, not many pictures were taken. It rained three days straight,, with a slight reprieve one evening. Perfect for island trips!
Next up, the long haul over the England. Now, there are about 10,000 pictures from this trip, but I am sure they are mostly stuck on someone’s camera (ahem), so I will post what I have.
First, the family trying to unclog the sewer, work clothes and all. I was being particularly helpful as the photographer that day:

Uncle Johnnie tests out the hat (every family has one):

The three cousins and two aunts causing huge chaos in the kitchen, baking a birthday cake for our grandmother:

And then we kicked them out and the three cousins somehow made a cake (might have been a little dry, but people ate it...):

Emma tests the final product:

And then the cake is delivered, sparklers and all:

And then grandma finds out what is in the party bags:

The three cousins at Friday birthday dinner:

My aunt and I got a hold of the camera and decided someone might like a picture of the two of us, especially after some wine:

And finally, the big ol’ family shot, with my grandmother, her three children, and the oldest grand daughter from each child. Yup, the representatives were all present and accounted for (and in hats, which were NOT my idea):

There are a ton more pictures, but those are pretty much the highlights.
And with that, I think you are all caught up. I figured I better catch up before the Alaska pictures begin their download, because after the last trip, i know there will be no chance of anything else getting posted if I have new Alaska pictures to deal with. So, expect an update soon on that, and then in a couple of weeks, a trip out west for the fancy SF wedding!!!!