First up, Denali National Park.
I arrived in Anchorage on Friday night and crashed at a local hotel not far from the airport. Saturday morning I got up and made the four hour trek to Denali. The drive was beautiful, and I spent much of the trip staring right at the amazing view of Mt. McKinley on the horizon, rising high above pretty much everything else in sight:
I stopped to eat lunch about 20 miles south of the park, at this really cute cafe in the middle of nowhere:
Here I had my first experience with Salmon Chowder, which is twenty times better than Clam Chowder. Thus begins my seafood diet for the week, in which I eat seafood at as many meals as possible (this is easier to do when someone else is paying, but it still worked out on my weekend budget).
I drove on from the cafe and found my hotel, the Grizzly Bear Resort:
It was quite the nice hotel, very rustic, with log buidlings and desks on each room. I took some pictures so you could see how where I stayed for the weekend:
And the view from my deck:
Yup, that is a creek through those trees, which lulled me to sleep both nights.
I spent the afternoon doing some much needed hiking in the park. I hiked this to this beautiful lake:
And of course, the courtesy trail pictures, so you can pretend you were there with me:
And some other views of the park on Saturday:
Saturday night I did the big ol' food search, trying to find something cheap and good to eat, and eventually giving up and eating some good but not so cheap. I went to the typical tourist restaurant in town and had a Halibut burrito, which was pretty mcuh amazing. I have never had anything like it, and I was impressed. Oh, and the the town was so cute. I took this picture, which doesn't do it much justice, but helps paint the picture:
I went to bed early that night, to prepare for the early rise on Sunday. 5am came really early, but as it was somewhat light out already, it wasn't too bad. I joined some other crazy people for our all day park bus tour. 6:15, Barry out guide picked us up in the rain, and we made out way into the park. We spent the next five hours looking for wild life and seeing the sights on the 95 mile road throug Denali National Park. I took some pretty random shots of the wildlife, which I will share with you now. First, the moose, who came right down in front of the bus, and was pretty dang amazing:
At this point, I sort of realized that the digital zoom on my camera was doing my amazing (AMAZING) photography skills no justice. So, I have up. good thing, since I did manage to take a relatively decent picrture of a grizzly bear's butt, and could the post it here for you:
Yup, so I saw my first grizzly bear. Pretty cool! Then we saw this moose and two moose babies (calves?):
And then some caribou (these guys were relaly far away):
And of course, there were some amazing views to be seen, despite, the rain and fog (and the fact that Barry drove 35 mph through A LOT of mud, making it hard to a)focus on anything outside and b) see through the windows. Barry did clean them for us every once in a while, but I found looking through the corner was relatively effective when dealing with the mud. Ok, so the views:
And then we got the end of the road, to the resort/hotel in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE and ate lunch. Oh, maybe I should stop and talk about the people on this bus with me. 44 other people, all hanging on for dear life as Barry takes the corners of cliffs nice and fast. I began by sitting next to this woman who as on her honeymoon while her (second) husband sat in front of us. I thought it would be nice for them to sit next to each other, so I offered to swtich with him. She moved his stuff while he was on a bathroom break, and when he came back to find out we had swtiched, he let me know he was quite enjoying the break from having to talk to her. Yup, good luck with that marriage. I was then next to Paula. Now, Paula and I could now be best friends. Paula has three kids (Shawn, Chris, and Tia) and a husband (John), all on this trip with her. Tia, who is 9, hates this trip, and lets mom know about every 20 minutes from 2 row back. Paula's response? "yes, Tia, I know, that's why I made you come." Nice. The boys are sitting together, once is slumped over sleeping and the other is plugged into an ipid and game boy. Totally worth the money they spent on their tickets. So, Paula is thrilled to have someone to talk to, and so am I. She told me all about her own girls' weekends she does with her girlfriends (note: the last one they did was in Chicago...). Paula has a full week of activities planned for Alaska, including river rafting and a dog sled ride (possibly on skates, Barry kept interrupting with random facts). Anyway, Paula asked me to eat lunch with them, and I did my best to discuss college with the boys, and try to keep Tia from hating life even more. I think they were too afraid to whine while I was around. So, we ate lunch, I took a walk and some pictures, and then back to the bus for the 5 hour ride back. And yes, at this point, the bus and Barry are both getting a little old. Some more pictures that look nice:
And some more animals, namely, a moose's butt:
and some Dall sheep (the white specks):
We never did see Mt McKinley inside the park, but the tour was still pretty good. We did also see some really cute baby girzzly bears with their mama, pretty close to the bus, but my battery had died by then. No worries though, Paula is going to email me some of her pictures (did you really think we weren't going to stay in touch?)
For those of you who care, I continued my seafood diet with some grilled halibut and sweet potatoes fries at the local fish and chips place, and then decided it was hight time for dessert. I sucked it up and went over the nice new fancy resort and checked out their dessert menu. They seated me at the money table, right next to the fireplace. I proceeded to order some amazing bread pudding and enjoyed some coffee and my book next the roarin fire. I was pretty much in heaven. I think I was in bed by 10pm that night, and it helped that it was overcast and I was unable to see the impending meteor shower. I sat on the deck for a while and enjoyed the peace and fresh air, and decided that Alaska is just good for your soul. I highy recommend this place for everyone.
So, that is all for now, I was continue the trip update later, but I am now off to bed to prepare for my big ol' boat trip tomorrow.
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