I used my new ice cream bowl and scooper last night for the first time. The package for the scooper said it was for people who wanted to exert as little energy as possible. Shannon, you know me so well! I will think of you every time I eat ice cream (which, as you might know, is A LOT).
I had my first tornado lecture from my office mate yesterday. We have a window, and sometimes those storm clouds can look pretty nasty. Irwin tells me that Houston does get tornados, although not as often as other places in the midwest. Irwin also tells me that we have some sort of tornado safety plan here at the center. He is not sure what it is. He is the safety officer for our department. Perfect. I still maintain earthquakes are scarier than tornados. Good thing Houston doesn't get earthquakes, because let me tell you, we have earthquake weather her daily. You know, the warm air, the warm breeze that still makes everything seem calm. Interesting.
I get my butt kicked by my coffee cup everyday. For those of you Astrocamp people out there, you may recognize this cup. It is the free one from the Nike ACG prodeal that we all got during our shoe buying madness. I cannot open it without the entire top coming off. It has become quite an ordeal, and usually results in coffee on either my desk or my clothing. I am going to get a regular mug one of these days.
I went on the tram tour today of JSC. Typical tram tour, similar to Disneyland, but with less enthusiasm. My tourguide was college aged. The best part of this place though, and something that just hit me, is that there are at least 50 people at any given time running around in those blue flight jumpsuits. It is sort of like Willy Wonkas chocolate factory, but in space. Seriously, people in blue around every corner, and they all know they look like a character from a bad space ride, but they keep smiling. Anyway, I will write more about the tour later, I am actually writing a blog about that at work for our website. Yup, this is what they pay me to do.