Amazing, I am actually seeing the bank account numbers get bigger, instead of consantly decreasing. And everything is so cheap here. I paid $2.37 for gas today. How is it in California? Still over $3.00? I thought so. Anyway, that is all, not very exciting things to write about on a Friday night, and my bed is calling. The cable guy comes at 8am tomorrow, and then I am off to do some serious thesis writing (or, at least, some serious thinking about writing...)
Hey there Astronaut! Thanks for saving my sanity last week. i finished my case study in the nick of time (Thursday at 8), ran it over to Academic Surge, and slid it under Barbara's door. So I got a chance to relax for Friday, Monday, and Tuesday...only for the quarter to start today!! YEA!!! And by the way, I don't think grad. school days start before 10am. =) hee hee Miss you lots, Meghan
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