That's right, they are home, and they are eating. And it is about time. I picked these two little furrballs up on Thursday afternoon with my hero, Becky. It was my first outing since going to the doctors and work on Wednesday, and it kicked my butt. Pretty sure I slept for 12 hours straight last night. Good thing Becky was here too, as I told her, I am running out of unsuspecting friends to help me in the car with these monsters. After sending my vet on his next Mexican Riviera vacation, they brought out the furrballs. We wrapped each one in a towel (as you do), and got them to the car. There was a moment of slight panic when we thought both cats were going to make a run for it in the GHETTO Kroger parking lot, but luckily, Becky and I are strong women, and held onto those cats for dear life. Once inside the vehicle, there was very little crying and whining, as both cats were given the massages of a lifetime. I almost got us hit on the feeder after some one handed driving, but we made it out alive. See, the thing is, these cats DO NOT LIKE THE CAR. You can reference my post about the Ike evacuation for some details about specifics (arguably one of the funniest and most read posts I have ever written). Or I can tell you, that any time I have taken these animals on a fun trip to the vet, someone has pooped. In the car. Usually on a seat. Or one time, Tony took his claws to my leather chair, the lining to my door, and the dashboard (that I had replaced after a particularly good morning at the Acura dealership when they assumed the crack was a car defect. I kept my mouth shut about my flying cat and his large claws). Basically, I know I need to get cat carriers, but it never seems like a big deal until I need them, and by then it is way too late. Anyway, so Becky and I made it the house after only ingesting about a pound of cat fur each. I dropped Becky back at home and came home to pass out. I tried to give the cats food, Mollie ate a little bit, and Tony just looked at me, curled up, and went to sleep. The same thing next morning, only opposite, as Mollie didn't want anything to do with her food, but Tony happily ate his. And then hers. He is definitely my little piglet. He has been especially cuddly since he has come home, which is pretty fun, seeing as he usually has very little patience for my antics. Anyway, tonight Mollie came into the kitchen crying, and when I put the food down, she went to town. And so did Tony. my job here is done, they seem to be back to normal. I am sure this includes the 4am wake up calls. Tomorrow morning should be interesting.
So, for those of you who were worried, by the way, I do not have mono. And I am not dying. Turns out, my thyroid is out of whack. How you ask? No clue, but the doctor likes to point to stress as one thing that might cause this to change. Hmmm, stress you say? Not in my life. Yea. Right. Anyway, so, I have to take some medicine, and she says this will speed up my metabolism, which should be interesting considering I have lost 4lbs since Tuesday. My body was really not happy this week. I am still on the couch, since I can't take the medicine until the morning, an hour before I eat anything, but she says it should make me feel a lot better and give me my energy back (just in time for this awesome "spring" weather Houston is having before summer rolls in next week...). Pretty excited I don't have mono, not really sure how I was going to function for the next month(s) with this exhaustion.
Big shout out to the girls (and boys) who helped out this week to get through CAS. I promise, next week I will be back and better than ever! And I'm buying the first round at the bar afterwards ;-)
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