The doctor called me on Monday. I went totally numb as soon as I answered the phone, mostly out of practice from doing this so often. Then he tells me he has looked at the MRI report and that the mass is in fact a "prominence of a normal structure" (in normal words, a piece of my heart that is just larger than normal). What he was/is concerned with is the "discrepancy of the assessment of size" (see, Mom, I can take notes when I am told to do so). So, basically, either my first cardiologist was an idiot and measuring it incorrectly, or something in my heart got bigger and smaller very quickly. I sat on this for a day before I told most people. I wasn't sure what to take from this, or how to tell all of my friends who have supported and loved me through the last nine months (and especially the last month). The doctor seemed unsure about the original TEEs and wanted to relook at them before deciding about further testing. I was hoping he would call me on Tuesday, but he didn't, and I felt like I had to start telling people. Of course, people were ecstatic, but to be honest, i am still numb. I am not sure if it hasn't hit me, but I just have no emotion about it. Or perhaps I have very mixed emotions. I am obviously happy they don't have to open my chest up and go into my heart. I am happy I don't have to recover in pain for 8-10 weeks (although that time off work was rather enticing). I am, however, bummed that this all happened at the time it did, ruining the opportunity to be in Albuquerque for six months and try out a new adventure. And most of all, I am angry that a doctor made a call that was most likely not correct, and then a second call which was even less correct, and sent me into an emotional tail spin that lasted a month and was filled with frustrated tears and night sweats, not eating or sleeping regularly, and the fear of a very serious surgery and the recovery of it.
So, did you catch the "most likely not correct" in the previous paragraph? The doctor called again today. I love Dr. Fish because he is always so calm and speaks so clearly (except for his phone number, which he reads off at light speed every time). He told me that he had reviewed closely the two previous TEEs and his conclusions were that they had not been done completely. As in, there were images that he would need that he didnt have. Then he tells me is about 80% sure I dont have a tumor. 80% Dr Fish? Yesterday there was no why is there one today? And isn't the MRI the better image? Well, he tells me there are angles you can only get from the stomach looking up into the right atrium. So he wants the "experts" at St. Luke's to run a third TEE and get all the images he needs to be sure, before he decides if surgery is necessary. I also though surgery was off the table, Dr. Fish? Yea, most likely, but not guaranteed. I like Dr. Fish, but he in my most favorite of doctors today.
It was a nice 2 days of not being stressed. Within 10 minutes of taking this phone call, my head was hurting and the pain between my shoulder blades was back. That is clearly where I carry stress. So, now we wait, until March 14, for the next TEE. Anyone want to come with me? I am super fun when they drug me up, I say all sort of great things, tell my darkest secrets, and you can ask me anything. Just ask Becky, she was telling me a story I had told her the other day, after the last TEE, and I have zero recollection of ever telling her anything.
And, since this is my blog and I can bitch and moan about whatever i want, let me just say, TEEs suck, and after the first one I swore I would never do it again, and now I am on #3 and it SUCKS! I am so over the IVs, the sore throats from the cameras, and the 6am hospital check-ins. There better be a super hot tech working up at St. Luke's (ok, so now who wants to go???)!
Oh, and just so you all can laugh a bit, you should have seen me almost eat it on the way out of the big AD All Hands meeting this afternoon when the doctor called. I threw off the sandals I was wearing (because I knew i couldn't run in the them) and leapt over about 10 coworkers to get out of the auditorium. And, of course, as I am always super graceful, I almost face planted into one of these said coworkers after catching my foot on my pants. I knew those pants were too big! It was quite the scene.
Check out the pics from the MRI. I have no idea what you are looking at, but they are cool anyway!