I have a new job. And I love it. It is all the great parts of my last job without all the bullshit. I get to hang out with students all day, give them advice (you know I'm all about advice) and at 5pm, when I go home, I leave the work behind. I missed my old job for about two tenths of a second, and then I remembered all the crappy managing and micromanagement and hoops we jumped through every day. And while I had about 4 really great coworkers, I still see them on a semi-regular basis, so I dont feel like I'm missing anything...except a lot of stress. Life is good. Oh, and I have my own office, with a window, a door (that locks) and my own private space. It is AMAZING. Here is my view:

I sort of skimped on the end of my summer in the blog. It was quite a whirlwind...Jess and I spent 4 fast paced days in England with my family. Jessica maintains she has never heard so much british cursing and seen so much serious drinking in such a short amount of time. I maintain she was clearly warned. I dont think she will ever be the same. She does say she understands me better now. And every once in a while, she (and now Billy too) like to call me Matmo. I have created a monster.

After England, we went on a short 4 day cruise. With the minis. Yep, that's right, 7 adults and 2 blonde twins, and the twins won. They were big fans of not napping and running the halls to watch the elevators go up and down. They tried the pool, but really, like like their Aunt Debs, liked the free soft serve ice cream next to the pool more than the swimming itself. They did not enjoy the long drawn out dinners, but instead enjoyed the buffet every night while Aunt Debs ordered 3 desserts in their absence. We dragged them around in their red wagon and they were the hit of the ship. Well, except for Jessica and me, who hit it big in the casino and paid for our cruises and then some. The first time ever that a pit boss has bought drinks for us while on a cruise ship. We were that impressive. I got some sun and a lot of rest, and enjoyed my last 3 days of vacation before I was actually on unemploymentcation.

September was spent sleeping in, applying for jobs, and lunching. That's right, I was a socialite for a month. It was pretty nice, especially once I got the new job and knew I would have a paycheck coming in on a regular basis. Billy closed on his house and we moved him in. Good thing he is never moving again, because that boy sure does have a lot of crap. And opinions about where his crap belongs. He and his crap will live in that house for the next 60 years. It will be easier than moving him again. Billy and Saundra and Paul also took me to my first Astros game, which was about what I expected...not quite a Dodger gamer ;) We left early for the Chocolate Bar, as you do...
I spent a weekend in Los Angeles for Colleen's Bachelorette weekend. We had a fun time getting pampered and then out on the town at Universal City Walk (which will forever remind me of high school) at Howl at the Moon. It was a whirlwind trip, but definitely worth it. Can't wait for the wedding in a few weeks...!

I'm excited for the fall...this weekend is the much anticipated walk in NYC. It is supposed to be 62 and raining. I imagine this walk might not go quite as we planned. Anyone want an over under on how long it takes me to get sick after 26 miles in cold rain? Or how many miles Jess completed before finding a bar where she can watch the A&M game? After NYC, I am home for a couple of weeks, and then off to Cali for Colleen's wedding, Chicago to visit Cindy and Sofia, and then New Orleans to visit the Farrs/Dobsons. And then it's Christmas! My favorite time of the year, and full of all sorts of fun.
Come visit me, the nice time in Houston should fall sometime in the next 10 days in Houston. Then it will be gross and cold until mid March, when you will have another window of about 4 days to visit. Plan it now folks!
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