Anyway, so we arrived into LAX, picked up our rental car (ok, rental SUV, and a fancy 2011 Dodge at that), and fought through LA traffic to get up to Pasadena (this is when I think, ok, maybe I DON'T want to move here). We grabbed some food from the Cheesecake Factory (I know, I am super creative in food choices...but you people know my weakness for anyplace that sells multiple types of amazing desserts from one display case), and then went our separate ways. And crashed. Or at least, I did. I passed out, slept in the comfy cold room without interruption for like 10 hours. Amazing.
Tuesday we spent the day shopping and prepping for the imminent arrival of 40 of America's brightest community college students. There were a couple of bumps with my credit cards being declined (although this just impresses me, really, since it was a fraud alert from me using them so much to buy stuff for work in a new state...). Tuesday was actually a great day, we weren't too overwhelmed or stressed, we had a plan, and the weather was AMAZING (ok, it was beautiful all week, but this was the day we got to enjoy it the most). And then Wednesday happened.
Wednesday my phone began ringing at 6am. I considered not answering it, but was pretty sure I had to. And I did. Student #1 has a huge flight delay. Quickly followed by student #2 and #3. And then Nora texts me about students 4, 5, and 6. Awesome. All before 8am. So, 9am, we meet, change our plans about 40 times, checks all the flight statuses, rebook some students to come into LAX instead of Burbank, and put together a new plan that seems like it will hold up. And it did, although not without a lot of us stressing out A LOT. There is just something about the feeling of HOPING everything will work out that is unsettling. I like to have a strong plan and be able to count on people that I trust to make things work. In this case, I am now putting a lot of trust into the Roadrunner Shuttle company and a lot of airlines to get it right. Not so comforting. So, 13 hours after the phone calls started, at about 7pm that night, the students finally were ALL at least in Los Angeles. We had busses coming at all hours of the day, but we got em' all in and working. Turns out, small miracles do happen.
What I love about NCAS is that once the program really and truly starts (and after all the surprise speakers JPL provided to me), I know the program like the back of my hand, and it kind of just happens. Of course, there are always a few small disturbances (a rover piece breaks and we dont have a spare), but overall, my stress really decreases once i get up on that stage and start talking. Thank God. So, by Wednesday night I was destressing at a good rate. The girls and I spent about an hour debriefing in my room after the program was over (which is a miracle in itself, since I am usually passed out asleep about 5 minutes after I arrive back at the hotel). And man was this hour hilarious. We each drank a beer, and I think the combination of the stress from the day melting away and the beer just cracked us up. So, I present to you, the best of the quotes heard in my room, in no particular order (sorry mom, in advance for anything that might be offensive):
"There are like 10 kids who think I am a whore now"
...."well, if the shoe fits, wear it..."
"Oooh, thin....oooh....are those?....oooh, thin mints....oooh"
"We want to see your, not THAT rover..."
"I may be a hooker at night, guys, but during the day, I'm a damn good intern!"
"I haven't been with my boyfriend in a while" (while using the quote fingers)
"Deb, I think you need to be friendly to everyone. I mean, I meet people in the post office, Whataburger, you know, and they always ask me for my number. So you should be friendly to people. And then you can get married!"
"I think I am going to give you my mojo. Cuz I dont need it anymore..."..."Im just saying, it runs in my family, it is in my genes"
"It is a curse..."
"What is the curse?"
"People just fall under our spell and want to marry us"
So, yea, as you can see, we are nuts. And, very soon after the giggling stopped, we all passed out. Thursday was a fun day, there were JPL tours, rover courses, and a little bit of student drama (because, really, have we ever had a program with NO drama from the students? I think not). But, we got through it, bought some souvenirs, and made it to 9pm without too much sweat and tears. I even spent Thursday night catching up with a couple of people in the PDT time zone via phone, which was kinda fun. Oh, and of course I woke up for the 10 minutes of Kate Middleton driving through London, just so I could see her dress (it's the british in me, or at least, I'll blame it on that...). I might have been just slightly obsessed with the royal wedding. But, let's not pretend I am alone. I know all of you people were right there with me...right? Don't worry, you will all be invited when I marry in to the royal family.
So, by Friday, I was just enjoying JPL and the students. This group was really cool. They were friendly and respectful, and really and truly thankful for this experience. They bonded with each other, with the staff, and everyone at JPL was impressed. Our judges even asked me for some specific students to send resumes, which is AWESOME! The more these students accomplish, the more funding this program gets, which is great for the students, and even better for my job security! And I said it during the program: this is why I do what I do. The nine months out of the year when I am planning and emailing and grading and such, that part really wares on you. I am usually convincing myself to just get through that specific program year, and then look for another job. But when I watch the students and see them bond and learn and enjoy the experience, that is what keeps me here. And reminds me of how I was when I was in college. And my trip to JSC that was so awe inspiring. It's pretty cool to be able to do that for others. And to see the interns that come back, so excited, makes it even more worthwhile. I guess I really am living the dream.
Anyway, so I stopped by NP for a few hours on Friday afternoon to see my family, which was nice. Might have been better if I hadn't been exhausted, but they seemed ok with me lazing around on the couch and watching repeats of the royal wedding over tea. Yup, we are british! Went out with the girls on Friday night, had some Mexican food (not Tex Mex, finally!), a few drinks, and we were still in bed by 11. Perfect! And flew back yesterday, returning to two very vocal cats (but no poop in the bathtub, thanks Lauren!) and a very empty fridge. And it is so good to be home. JPL was a great time, and I think we will be back soon, but I am happy to have my own bed, my own couch, and a small sliver of normalcy for at least a week before we do this all over again!

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